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Electronics >> MP3 Players and Portable Audio >> Other Portable Audio >>
Treasures detector XP ORX device
"Discover treasures with the French XP ORX device!
The French XP ORX device is considered one of the latest technologies in the world of detecting raw gold, precious metals, and ancient coins. Thanks to its advanced technology and its ability to sense the smallest details, you will be able to discover treasures with ease and convenience.
What distinguishes the French XP ORX device:
High accuracy in detection: The device is characterized by its superior ability to sense the finest details and accurately pinpoint treasure locations.
Get your French XP ORX device now and get ready to explore the world of treasures safely and confidently. Order now!"
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To visit the Detectors Shop website:
Company in Dubai - Deira - Salah Al Din Street – Opposite Al Ghurair Center - Technic Building for Companies - Third Floor, Company No. 301.

Age : Brand New
Usage : Still in original packaging
Condition : Perfect inside and out
Warranty : Yes
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