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Boats >> Sail Boats >> Catamaran >>
Yacht Rental Dubai was established in 2006 being one of the oldest industry leaders and most trusted 'Sea Leisure' partners in Dubai. We operate within Dubai Marina and deal with over 20 yachts varying in sizes and capacity!

Our superior customer service and our promise never to compromise on service standards make customers return to us renting yachts in Dubai. We have yachts best suited for every occasion including birthday parties, anniversaries, family gatherings, yacht parties, proposals, fishing trips, sightseeing tours, corporate gatherings and more & our team will customize the yacht based on client requests.
We offer tailored tours starting from Dubai Marina going up till Burj Al Arab covering major landmarks like Ain Wheel, JBR, Atlantis, King's Palaces, Luxury Resorts and Hotels around the Palm and offers ample time for swimming and other water sport activities based on request. You can book with confidence using Yacht Rental Dubai.

Age : 10 + Years
Usage : Still in original packaging
Condition : Above average wear and tear. The item may need a bit of repair to work properly
Warranty : Yes
Length : 100 + ft
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