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About Us :
We strive to present our customers with highest form of satisfaction when it comes to our personalized services from dry cleaning to steam pressing.
Main Office/Store Details :
Warehouse No 1 2, Ground Floor, Jebel Ali Lehbab Road, Dubai Investment Park 2, Near IDS Al Ittihad Drug Store, Dubai. PO Box-474401.
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Email Address
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Address : Wafi Mall, #Ground Floor, 13th 26th Street, Oud Metha Road, Sheikh Rashid Road, Oud Metha (Al Nasr), Dubai
Telephone : 971543220025
Website :

Address : Ritaj Community Center, #1st Floor, Shop No 2, Academic City Road, Emirates Road, Dubai Investment Park 2, Dubai
Telephone : 971562162689
Website :

Address : Gold Crest Executive, Cluster C, #Ground Floor, Al Sarayat Street, Sheikh Zayed Road, Jumeirah Lake Towers ( JLT), Dubai
Telephone : 971566033240
Website :

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